
Darrell Allen

Senior Research Toxicologist, Eli Lilly & Co.

“As a Black Belt, Michael showed proficiency in choosing and using the appropriate tools to lead his teams to successful conclusions. I would personally recommend Michael to anyone needing Black Belt expertise.”

John McDonald

Director, Discovery Operations at Eli Lilly & Co. (Retired)

“Mike focuses his time on customers and wins their consistent approval.”

Jim Audia

Chief Scientific Officer, Constellation Pharmaceuticals

“Diligent and responsible, meticulous with regard to detail and committed to outcomes, Michael was a highly effective partner to the management team. I recommend him strongly.”

Paul Ornstein

Associate Professor Of Medicinal Chemistry at Roosevelt University

“I was always impressed with Michael's very effective analysis and problem solving skills. Mike was willing to take on any challenge, whether in an area he knew well, or something that was novel to him. His effective communication style led to easy interactions with all kinds of people, whether peers or superiors.”