
Find ways to change things for good

Changing things for good can mean cheaper, easier, safer, or any end-result central to the client’s main objectives. With years of experience using best industry practices like 5S workplace organization, Value-Stream Mapping, Process Mapping and more, I am passionate about helping clients find a better way.

Let's get to the root cause of your organizational “pain” to target achievable improvements. Often little changes, done strategically, make the biggest impact.

Map out a plan to get there

I led clients through Strategic Planning and Project Planning conversations to help them divide up big goals into manageable steps with defined milestones, aligned progress-tracking metrics, and a systematic review and communication process to keep improvements on track. Using tools like DMAICV (define, measure, analyze, improve, control, validate), we map out a solid plan to get you to your goal.




Know the impact for good

Ideas to change things for good may sound great, but unless you can connect them to your strategic goals and financial performance metrics, they usually aren’t worth it. Using my years of experience in Project Valuation, I can help you determine the true economic and strategic value of the improvements you are making, and calculate true operational impact.



Plan proactively for the “what ifs”

In designing a brand new process or revamping an old one, it’s always wise to think through and identify those unwanted consequences -- the “what ifs.” Using Risk Management techniques, I help clients develop a plan to reduce those risks, when necessary.



Spread the Word

It doesn’t matter how great your idea is, if there’s no buy-in from your leadership team and if staff isn’t engaged, it will never happen. Through Stakeholder Management and Communications Planning, I help clients develop and deliver clear key messages, as well as solicit feedback from the right people within the organization.

Keep up the good work

Changing things for good doesn’t help if it doesn’t last. Through Sustainability Planning, I help clients define and assign roles and responsibilities and establish long-term metrics tracking to ensure improvements stick.