Posts made in July, 2018

Sustaining a Quality Improvement Program

Posted by on Jul 4, 2018 in Continuous Improvement, Problem Solving, Project Management, Six Sigma | 0 comments

A question I get quite often is, “How do you sustain your Continuous Improvement (CI) program?” Generally, this question comes from people who have been involved in a CI program for awhile and it has started to lose its luster. Let’s face it. CI is hard work. And sustaining that hard work is very difficult, especially in a business world where more and more is demanded of each individual. In an insightful article in the Jan/Feb 2018 issue of ACHE’s Healthcare Executive, CatalystPresident Kim Barnas recommends that sustaining a CI effort begins with an organization’s leadership, particularly the CEO and executive committee. She then lists a dozen principles that are critical for CI leaders to model: Use personal A3 (similar to plan, do, check, act or PDCA) and self-assessment Have a constancy of purpose Establish “true north” metrics Demonstrate transparency through visual management Respect for standards (standard work) Show respect for every individual Focus on the process Utilize scientific thinking and Lean tools Lead with humility Seek perfection Ensure quality at the source Think systemically While these principles should be emphasized by all leaders, it is important that those leading organizations through a CI program demonstrate these qualities, not only to their executive committee, but also throughout the organization. Continuous improvement is not a program that only works in one area or in one level of a company. It must be utilized and be pervasive throughout the organization. Employees must feel they are empowered to make changes, and those changes must be recognized and encouraged by senior management. While sustaining a CI program can take significant effort, that effort can provide great rewards, not only for the CI team members, but for employees throughout the organization (via time and cost savings and improved employee satisfaction) and eventually customers. How are you helping your employees to work smarter by reducing the amount of time they spend on non-productive activities and correcting errors? If your business processes need a “check-up,” please email me at! I’d love to help you get back to a healthy, productive...

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