Use Six Sigma to Plan Your Best Summer Vacation Yet!

Posted by on Jun 29, 2017 in Continuous Improvement, Problem Solving, Project Management, Six Sigma | 0 comments

As I continue to grow in my understanding and appreciation of process improvement (PI), I am convinced that these management tools can be used to improve your home life as much as your work life.

For example, here are some tips and tricks to better organize your home using Lean and Six Sigma (LSS). These tools also can help you manage personal expenses or plan your spring cleaning. You can even utilize Six Sigma to help your kids with their chores. Who knew?

Now that summer is here, one of the most timely examples is using Six Sigma methodology to plan your family vacation. Where else do you have the voice of the customer (three bright-eyed adorable children with their hearts set on Disney World) meet head-to-head with the voice of the business (mom and dad, who know they can only afford a camping trip to a nearby state park)? Here’s some helpful vacation planning tips from Philip Mayfield.

Many PI tools lend themselves to usage in the planning of a vacation. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is useful to determine which variable(s) is/are the most important. A Pugh matrix can be used to determine the best vacation spot (i.e. beach versus mountain versus a mountain cabin overlooking the beach). And a good swim lane map and RACI chart can go a long way in helping everyone understand their part before, during, and after the trip (i.e. who cleans out the fast food crumbs from under the back seat of the car).

If you’re a quality improvement practitioner at your workplace, how have you applied your Six Sigma skills at home to make life easier? Please email me and share your favorites! I’d love to hear from you.

How are you helping your employees to work smarter by reducing the amount of time they spend on non-productive activities and correcting errors? If your business processes need a “check-up,” please email me at! I’d love to help you get back to a healthy, productive workplace.