I am often surprised when, while discussing who I should talk to about a project, I am told,  “I don’t know.” While this can be a little irritating for me when speaking with a potential client, it can be devastating for a company trying to ensure proper operations and project success. Every project needs someone that is accountable for its every step along the way, from initiation to completion.

A great way to keep track of who’s involved in a project is by using a RACI chart. iSixSigma defines the four roles in a RACI chart as follows:

  • Responsible (R) –The person(s) who are expected to actively participate in the activity and contribute to the best of their abilities.
  • Accountable (A) –The person who is ultimately responsible for the results.
  • Consulted (C) –People who either have a particular expertise they can contribute to specific decisions or who must be consulted for some other reason before a final decision is made
  • Informed (I) –People who are affected by the activity/decision and therefore need to be kept informed, but do not participate in the effort

Below is an example of a RACI chart:

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4
Action 1 R A I C
Action 2 R, A C I C
Action 3 C R A I
Action 4 A A C R


Every action must have at least one person that is responsible for the work and only one person that is accountable for ensuring the completion of the work. As shown above, an action can have the same person that is responsible and accountable.

A RACI chart can help a team determine how actions/tasks can be organized and the work distributed. It can also ensure that each task has someone that is ultimately responsible for the completion of that task.

How does your organization track project ownership? Established early in a project, a RACI can help to eliminate confusion and conflict down the road, leading to better team dynamics and accountability.

How are you helping your employees to work smarter by reducing the amount of time they spend on non-productive activities and correcting errors? If your business processes need a “check-up,” please email me at michael@leadingchangeforgood.com! I’d love to help you get back to a healthy, productive workplace.