Which is Best For Your Next Business Improvement Initiative – Lean or Six Sigma?

Posted by on Apr 7, 2016 in Business Operations, Continuous Improvement, Problem Solving, Project Management, Six Sigma | 0 comments


Six Sigma and Lean are two common methods that businesses use to help improve quality and efficiency.

I have been a Continuous Improvement practitioner for over five years. One topic that continues to fascinate me is the ongoing debate in the business world about the merits of Six Sigma vs. Lean when it comes to improving business processes. How do you know which tool is right for your next initiative?

Six Sigma and Lean have the same end goal. They both seek to create the most efficient process possible, but they take different approaches to achieve this. Simply put, Lean strives to eliminate waste (muda) in its multiple forms and while Six Sigma is focused on eliminating defects/errors.

Most executives recognize that they have a combination of both sets of issues. How do you choose which method is best for your organization? There is truth in both these perspectives – which is why both Lean and Six Sigma methodologies have been so effective in improving business outcomes in a variety of industries.

In my opinion, one shouldn’t have to choose one tool over the other. You need both, working in conjunction, to improve the efficiency of your company.

If you have a business process that needs a “check-up,” please email me! I’d love to help you get back to a healthy, productive workplace!